


Ethics Ref: [23/YH/0061]   IRAS Project ID: 311815

Study title: Therapist-assisted internet-based cognitive therapy for prolonged grief (iCT-PG): A feasibility randomised controlled trial


Treatment Study of Prolonged Grief        

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Who are we?


A research group based at the Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma, University of Oxford, is looking at ways of improving the treatment of prolonged grief disorder. A new clinical trial with 46 participants will assess the acceptability and feasibility of a new psychological therapy for prolonged grief. The treatment is completed online with the help of a therapist. The study is run in the Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma in collaboration with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and Berkshire NHS Trust but you can participate from anywhere given the remote nature of the study.


What is Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)?


What is Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)?


Some facts about PGD:


PGD is a reaction that can happen after a significant bereavement of a close loved one.  Common symptoms include  

  • Intense longing or yearning for the person who died.
  • Preoccupation with thoughts or memories of the death or deceased person.  
  • Intense emotional pain such as sorrow, anger, bitterness, guilt.
  • Avoiding reminders of the loss.
  • Feeling emotionally numb and not interested in activities that used to be enjoyable.
  • Feeling detached or cut-off from other people.
  • Feeling confused about one’s role in life or feeling as though life is meaningless or pointless.
  • Shock or disbelief that the person is gone.


If you are experiencing these symptoms, they are interfering with your life, and your bereavement was more than 6 months ago you may be suffering from prolonged grief disorder.

Click here to read the participant information sheet and check if you might be eligible to take part. If you are found to be eligible then personal data will be stored in accordance with GDPR on university-approved secure platforms until the end of the study, after which time they will be deleted. You can request your data be deleted at any time before the end of the study. Please note that if you are found not eligible for this study no personal data (including IP address) will be stored.

If you are interested in participating, please submit your response to our eligibility questionnaire. We will be in contact with you shortly to arrange a triage phone call.